Friday, June 21, 2013

The Month in Which the Princess Received Gifts: May 2013

Over the past year and a half I have been slowly changing my lolita closet from sweet to classic. In 2011 I actually went on a brief hiatus from the fashion where I sold a crap ton of stuff and just never replaced what I sold. It wasn't until last year when I started actively getting back into lolita that I really began to focus heavily on classic. 

I now have a clear mindset on where I want my closet to go in terms of color and overall theme. So I noticed that I didn't have many accessories that matched my current closet. A lot of my older accessories were from when I was really heavily into sweet lolita. So, my lolita haul for May focused on accessories. 

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Follow my blog with Bloglovin

Okay here it is the first post that defines everything. Well to start welcome to "Diary of a Self-Proclaimed Princess". I'm the 29 year old who waited several years to start a blog, before finally deciding that I couldn't say everything I want to say on Tumblr, Twitter, and Facebook. Hence this was created as a space for me to ramble on without a care in the world. 

A couple of things you need to know I love Japanese lolita fashion, anime, manga, and eating. So, that's what this blog will be about. To give you a tiny history on myself I started wearing lolita in 2008. My style started as sweet, but has since settled on classic lolita with a mix of sweet and gothic depending upon my mood. I am a huge lover of all things indie lolita, and I hope to share that love here. 

As for anime I started my quest through the anime fandom in 1999 when a friend taught me that Sailor Moon was not a U.S. cartoon. Afterwards I started two mildly popular anime websites; one dedicated to Sailor Moon called Sailor Senshi Hangout, and the other dedicated to Ayashi no Ceres called Celestial Maiden. My focus is usually on Shojo series, but I don't discriminate.  I keep up with all the latest shows every season, and have a pretty eclectic stockpile of series in my own personal collection. You can kind of get an idea of my watched list through my MAL. (I rarely ever update this thing so don't take this for the definite list.)

So there it is. I hope you enjoy your stay here however brief it may be. 

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